Why when the excitation is distinguished transparent mucus in men

The emergence of a secret, which is different from the human body, informs that on the rates and spreads. For example, during a cold or an ear infection the onset of liquid single inform on the disease. A production system of man is located on a more complicated order. The selection in men during the excitement may indicate the normal state of health, or vice-versa, the signaling on the development of the disease.

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Should there be selection in males during sexual arousal?

In men mucus in the urethra, in some cases, a natural and necessary part of the process. If you are experiencing erections appear transparent selection in a volume of a few drops. They bear the name of pre-cum, these physiological phenomenon quite normal.

The volume of mucous secretion entirely depends on the characteristics of a male body, and must meet certain specifications to be considered standard. In particular, it must not be excessive in density, color, specific odors.

The emergence of a secret occurs in the following cases leading to the erection:

  • Masturbation;
  • Sexy caresses of his partner;
  • Reflections on intimacy.

The frequency of the occurrence of this phenomenon depends also on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some men are faced with of secretions at each excitement, others observe only very rarely.

From the point of view of health professionals, the presence of an exudate during sexual arousal contributes to fertility – he plays the complementary role of the explorer for the sperm to reach the egg and reduces the level of acidity of the vagina female, which destroys sperm. As a result, the selection of women of childbearing age of the authority are actively involved in the process of fertilization and are considered significant to the mechanism of the reproductive system of men.

Why is this?

The doctors up to the end have not established the cause of the flow of the liquid from the sexual organ, but it is proven that the selection of fat in men in the excitation process helps to alleviate the exit of the head of reproductive authority of the folds without the injuries and damage. You must care to respect the privacy of the hygienic, freed from liquid – excellent support for the bacteria to develop.

It is important to note, long periods of abstinence causes far more abundant in the selection and composition of the secretions is more thick and becomes cloudy. It is necessary to follow up for lack of color change does not appear streaks of blood, an unpleasant odor. Some physicians believe that the appearance of the liquid occurs because the body is preparing for the intimacy of the woman.

Pathological selection can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • A poor diet, in particular, the consumption of sour, sharp, pickles;
  • The inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Accompanying complications have undergone an operation or trauma;
  • The cancer pathology.
Couple in bed

Varieties of secretions

Several types of secretions relate to the standard, provided they are not accompanied by further signs.

However, if the attendant factors of odor, itching, glow, pain in the groin or in the penis, it is already a good reason for the anxiety, and the movement of the urologist.

Types of allowances related to the normal

Absolutely normal and natural are considered to be the 3 types of product and by virtue of the secret.

  • Lustful urethrorrhea. The secret to having a function of lubrication. Looks like a clear liquid consistency, does not smell. Appears in small amounts, leads to no disadvantages. In the composition a small amount of sperm, however, when unprotected sexual intercourse, you may experience the pregnancy of his partner;
  • Sigma. White out the secret, he sometimes has a yellowish tint, often smells bad. The selection of the liquid is ensured by the glands under the foreskin. His appearance does not indicate a pathology, but a testament to what man neglects the rules of personal hygiene;
  • The sperm. A white liquid from the lining of the consistency. Emissions passes from the urethra into the period of the orgasm. Contains a high percentage of the sperm and secret.

The selection that contains mucus

Often, show the emergence of sexually transmitted diseases. In the case where the secret resistance, but retains the transparency, the probability of the presence of the following diseases:

Also the diseases are confirmed by the presence of a high level of leukocytes in the blood tests.

The mucous membranes of the branch dairy light with purulent streaked accompany diseases such as:

In the presence of these conditions liquid can stand out in a calm state, after which is drying out on the head of the penis.

The selection of inflammation

The inflammatory diseases, the evolution of the composition of the secretions, are called:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • The candida fungus;
  • The streptococcus.

If not urethritis gonococcal inflammation in the canal of the urethra, devoted to liquid is characterized by:

  • Tack;
  • The presence of mucus;
  • Purulent content.

Accompanied by pain, sensations that are uncomfortable, itching.

For the disease of the flesh, balanoposthitis characterized by a discharge, containing a lot of content purulent. Occurs redness, swelling, severe pain.

Prostatitis - secretion of mucus, mixed with pus. Other symptoms are pain, decrease of erectile function, frequent urination, evacuation of the bladder.

For the determination of the candidiasis, it is sufficient to examine the picture, which is characteristic for him the secret. It has the consistency of cottage cheese, this form of fungal infection accompanied by redness of the glans of the penis, unable to bear the itching.

The lovers

A rule or a refusal?

A sign of the pathology – the presence of mucus, pus, color changes, fishing, or sour smell, the case of the viscosity or turbidity.

  • Average density;
  • Transparency;
  • The absence of smell.

In addition to the diseases of the quality of the secretions affect:

  • Along the temperance;
  • The power supply;
  • The immune system is weakened;
  • The mode of life and stress.

When changes in the colour and consistency is important to analyze:

  • Their own sexual life, the presence or absence of random and unprotected sex;
  • The factors contributing to the decline of the body's defenses;
  • The possible changes in this menu;
  • The presence of comorbidity of the diseases.

Should I consult a doctor?

Immediate visit to a doctor requires unusual for men eye-catching secret. The changes in the structure and the color of the liquid require a survey to identify the factors leading to those violations.

In the diagnostic measures are included:

  • Sperm analysis;
  • Smear cervico-urethral channel;
  • Ultrasound of the genito-urinary organs;
  • The closing of the urine on a common analysis;
  • The clinical study of blood.

On the basis of the results of the diagnosis, is called the schema of the therapy of the underlying disease, which led to the emergence of the disease of the exudate. Ignoring these signs leads to deterioration in health and the transition to a chronic disease, it is difficult to treat. In a timely manner, the visit at the urologist will cope with the illness and to maintain health over a long period of time.

When the penis is in a state of excitement, the length of the urethra differs a small amount of liquid. This is a normal phenomenon, which is practically all men in good health. With the development of diseases of the consistency and the volume of fat change. You receive a bad odor, a feeling of pain or burning during urination or an erection. Similar to a clinical picture requires special attention, because it represents a threat to the health.


The selection at the arousal in men are called predanost. He speaks of the orifice of the urethra at the time where the guy is excited. Before the seed is distinguished from bulbourethral glands and the glands of Littre, who settled on the site of the canal, from the outside of the hole up to the neck of the bladder.

The selection at the arousal in men are performing the following functions:

  • ensure the free passage of semen through the urethra;
  • destroy bacteria;
  • moisturize and inhibit the acidic environment in the urethra.

Before the seed is also capable of filling the role of lubricant during the sexual intercourse, but in most cases, the allocated quantity will be insufficient. Pre-ejaculate is one of the components of the semen. It penetrates into the seminal fluid when ejaculation, mixed with the seed, which helps protect sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina of the woman.

Healthy selection in men during the excitement

The volume of pre-ejaculate is directly dependent on the degree of excitation of the guys. The maximum concentration is reached in the case of sexual desire. The normal amount of liquid is 5 ml.

Some representatives of the stronger sex physiologically unable to secrete the fat. The lack of pre-seed during the erection decreases the ability to conceive.

Healthy pre-ejaculate has the following characteristics:

  • the absence of odour;
  • transparency;
  • viscosity;
  • the absence of lumps or inclusions;
  • does not cause evil or pain.

Before the seed performs a cleaning function, so that its consistency is capable of change. The man can observe the clouding of the lubricant in the case of sexual contact, lack of hygiene or before ejaculation. She is back to normal in 1-2 days. In the contrary case, it is necessary to suspect the development of the disease.

Pathological mucus in men differ from the health of the color, the smell and the consistency. They are almost always accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms suggestive of a deviation in the lubrication of the standard:

  • the appearance of liquid in the urethra during the day;
  • the appearance of the bad smell;
  • the pain during urination;
  • formation of excess mucus;
  • the arbitrariness of the selection of lubricant without sexual arousal;
  • the presence of a third party inclusions;
  • the modification of the consistency is too thick or liquid.

The data of the typical signs when the pathological, pointing to the development of diseases.

Unhealthy selection in males are broken down by type:

The emitted amount of mucus may be abundant and little. A little bit of fat can be quite difficult. To do this, need to put pressure on the urethra, so that the liquid has holes. It dries up quickly, forming a film on the shell of the head of the penis. The viscous consistency leads to the agglomeration of the forks of the urethra.

The selection of lubrication, which differs from the standard, in most cases caused by the sexually transmitted diseases, but there are a number of other states.

During the onset of secretions pathological with the presence unpleasant symptomatology, the money, suspect the development of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS). These diseases develop under the influence of unfavorable microflora, which is deposited on the mucous membrane of the urethra, the areas and the cavities of the genital organs, the glands.

  • Inguinal granuloma;
  • chancroid;
  • syphilis;
  • limfogranulema;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mycoplasma;
  • uréaplasma
  • HIV;
  • The herpes;
  • Warts;
  • Human Papillomavirus (hpv);
  • Molluscum contagiosum
  • The gale;
The lovers in the bed

The prostate plays a key role in the formation of sperm. It produces a secret without which the seminal fluid loses its functionality. When the inflammation of the prostate of its production increases.

The men, contracted the chronic prostatitis, can observe that when the excitement of the opening of the urethra out of a large amount of fat. This is the secret of the prostate, which has a large enough similarity with predanost.

Too much of the selection when the excitement may appear during the development of one of the following states:

  • the inflammatory processes;
  • allergies;
  • hypothermia;
  • the persons physical or chemical injury.

The appearance of mucus is transparent to the urethra can be observed after the detection. This liquid is formed as a protective reaction of the body, strain injuries of the mucosal surface.

An abundant amount of transparent secretions during ejaculation may indicate the development of infertility.

For the diagnosis of pathologies is taken into account not only the visual nature of liquid, but organic composition. A man, you need to consult a physician for the passage of the survey.

Pathological selection in the MST

Proven medically, it is a fact that the men of the lubricant includes a small amount of sperm. There is a small chance of getting pregnant in the allocation of pre-ejaculate during the unprotected sex.

The greater chance of the design in this case, falls in the middle of the cycle, when the woman produced the ovulation, the cervix is in the open state. In other cases, the concentration of sex cells in males in the pre-seed is not enough. Quickly, they will perish in the vagina outside the middle of sperm.

The probability of conception is much higher when you have a contact, when the lubrication contains a fairly large number of sperm cells.

To avoid an unwanted pregnancy in a male, it is recommended to urinate, to flush out the remnants of the seed.

Urethral, who noted the men during sexual arousal, are normal physiological phenomenon. It is provided by nature for the humidification of the mucous membranes of the sexual organ. However, it is important to pay attention to the color of the secretion of erection. If they are transparent, it is then considered as an indicator of health. In the case of changes in colour and consistency and in the case of this pain you have to say about pathological changes and infections.

On the state of health of the urinary system may be judged by the appearance of secretions. Initial modification of their characteristics determines the degree of pathological processes, passing in the body. All signs of man by the forces to determine for yourself and the time to seek medical help.